wolfSSL port to RIOT OS

Hi @RIOT_OS developers,

@wolfSSL is considering doing a port to the Revolutionary Internet of Things Operating System. We wanted to reach out to the RIOT_OS developers group to see if this is something that interests you.

Please let us know your thoughts, we look forward to hearing from you!

info@wolfssl.com support@wolfssl.com


Kaleb and the wolfSSL Team

Hi Kaleb,

Personally I would be very much stoked to see a port of wolfSSL to RIOT and I think many others think the same.

Let us know how we can help with it and I’m sure we will figure something out!

Best, Thomas

Hi Kaleb,

  +1 -- in particular, if you plan to continue the maintenance of the port!

Cheers   matthias

Our initial build pretty much just works! Our next step is to look at a few warnings we’re kicking out.


+1 here! This would be a great addition to RIOT. Cheers, Emmanuel

Hi Larry,

great! looking forward to your PR. What hardware are you testing this on initially?



Hi Emmanuel,

I am building on Mac OS X initially. Everything is working great. I have three examples that build and run with RIOT_OS. A benchmark application, a cryptographic test application and a TLS client/server + cryptographic test application. These three example applications demonstrate running on the only for now.

Next steps will to be building on Linux, and building for one of the embedded platforms that RIOT supports. The only real change required on Mac OS X was to include <sys/_types/_iovec_t.h> instead of <sys/uio.h> when building with RIOT_OS.

Warm Regards,

Kaleb Himes Software Engineer www.wolfssl.com


Can you write up a blog post to let our community know that this is available?

Please include the details you shared below.

Finally, include the caveat that we did not enable Fastmath, unless you fixed that.


Can you share the announcement with your community?



Hi Larry, Hi Kaleb

great! I did not see any pull-request yet to RIOT’s master branch? Can we expect one soonish?



Hi Emmanuel,

Once I get a chance to test everything on Linux and at least one embedded board I will feel better about opening a PR. I hate to release something that’s only half-baked if you know what I mean. We’re really busy this time of year so my attention unfortunately cannot be dedicated to this 100% at the moment.

When we have a few more test-cases under our belt we will get a PR open with a couple examples!

Warmest Regards,

Kaleb Himes Software Engineer www.wolfssl.com

Hi Emmanuel and RIOT community,

I’m doing some final testing on MAC OS X and should have a pull request open by the end of the day!

Warmest Regards,

Kaleb Himes Software Engineer www.wolfssl.com

Hi Emmanuel,

https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/pull/6197 Pull request is up and tested by two developers here at wolfSSL it works great on Mac OS X where gcc maps to clang: gcc -v Configured with: --prefix=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr --with-gxx-include-dir=/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.12.sdk/usr/include/c++/4.2.1 Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1)

We had a third developer test on his Mac that has gcc sym linked to a custom version of gcc and he got an error from the combination of -Werror and -Wold-style-definitions which picked up on one of our API’s that returns a pointer. This error is also confirmed to exist on Ubuntu 16.04 with gcc 5.4.0 The API is:

wolfSSL_Mutex* wc_InitAndAllocMutex()

We have included a KNOWN BUGS section in the README as this is an ALPHA test.

Warm Regards,

Kaleb Himes Software Engineer www.wolfssl.com