Where may I obtain the file mynewt.mcuboot.bin?

When building the mcuboot target for an nrf52 target an attempt is made to download a binary bootloader from http://download.riot-os.org/mynewt.mcuboot.bin This URL no longer seems to work. Is someone able to provide an alternative location or are they able to post the binary somewhere on the forums?

Hi Terry and welcome to the RIOT community!

On Fri, Jan 17, 2025 at 02:03:15AM +0000, terry via RIOT wrote:

When building the mcuboot target for an nrf52 target an attempt is made to download a binary bootloader from http://download.riot-os.org/mynewt.mcuboot.bin This URL no longer seems to work. Is someone able to provide an alternative location or are they able to post the binary somewhere on the forums?

Apparently this file hasn’t been used in quite a while. We’re investigating and trying to fix the link. If anyone could provide with a working link to the required file, please let me know so that we can fix the download link.

Cheers Oleg