What's the password of the user in RIOT-LORA-VM

Hey Alexandre,

It was nice to meet you at the RIOT event. Thanks for all the work you put into this. For me it was also beneficial because I never had much experience with LoRa, and with your tutorial I learned about how to use the keys and such.

Anyway, what is the password of the user "user" in the VM?

Hi Kees,

It was nice to meet you at the RIOT event.

Same here, unfortunately we couldn't discuss more. At least now I can put a face on your name :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the work you put into this. For me it was also beneficial because I never had much experience with LoRa, and with your tutorial I learned about how to use the keys and such.

Thanks a lot for this message. And to be complete, I'd also like a add another thanks to Jose (@jia200x) for his help. He improved the LoRaWAN part of the tutorial quite a bit.

For those interested, the instructions of the tutorial are on github: https://aabadie.github.io/riot-course/slides/tutorial-summit-2018/#1

Anyway, what is the password of the user "user" in the VM?

The user password is 'user' (without quotes).
