Using CC110x on STM32F4 and implementing 6lowpan

So how should i do it? A small sample application would be very heplfull,

Hey Piotr,

So how should i do it? A small sample application would be very heplfull,

I'm assuming you're still trying to get cc110x + sixlowpan working.

1. create a file "cc110x_params.h" and put it in your board's include/ directory. See "boards/msba2/include/cc110x_params.h" as example. You have to put the right parameters for your board.

2. Add these lines to your board's Makefile.include:

ifneq (,$(filter gnrc_netif_default,$(USEMODULE)))     USEMODULE += cc110x gnrc_netdev2 gnrc_cc110x endif

3. Append these lines to Makefile.dep:

ifneq (,$(filter cc110x,$(USEMODULE)))     DISABLE_MODULE += gnrc_sixlowpan_iphc endif

4. make clean all flash term ...

The next steps depend on whether your board has an implementation of cpuid. Check that by typing "ifconfig" and see whether "fe80::201:203:405:607/64" is every node's link-local address. If they're different and unique, continue at step 6. Otherwise, manually set new addresses:

5. on each node, enter these lines:

ifconfig 7 del fe80::201:203:405:607 ifconfig 7 set addr <n> ifconfig 7 add fe80::<n>

(replace <n> with any hex number from 1 to fe)

After the nodes should be able to ping each other at fe80::<n>.

6. on one node, type: udp server start 12345

7. on another node, type: udp send <other-node-ip> 12345 TEST (replace <other-node-ip> ...)

Good luck! Kaspar