Threads and mutex for reading multiple sensors on board

Hi everyone! I am asking you help and suggestions about my problem. I never used so far threads and mutex. In my case I have an M3 board on Iot-LAb at inria , and I have developed a program source which read sensors values in an infinite loop. There are 4 sensors on the board and my program can read continuosly the sensors values, or can read by giving a start/stop command. I have used the threads but I am not sure of that. My first question is : am I forced to use threads for readings multiple sensors on the board? I mean can happen some conflict in this multiple readings ? The other question is, once we suppose of using a thread loop for each single sensor reading (so I will have a 4 threads, one for each sensor) , should I use a single mutex lock variable, or should I use 4 different mutex lock variables? I attach here enclosed my program source so that you can give me some hints about it , since it does not work yet. Bye and thank you for your help.

main.c#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include “net/ipv6/addr.h” #include “thread.h” #include “timex.h” #include “xtimer.h” #include “shell.h” #include “net/emcute.h” #include “msg.h” #include “mutex.h” #include <time.h>

/* Add lps331ap related include here */ /Atmospheric pressure and temperature – LPS331AP/

#include “lpsxxx.h” #include “lpsxxx_params.h”

/* Add lsm303dlhc related include here */ /*LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer/magnetometer */

#include “lsm303dlhc.h” #include “lsm303dlhc_params.h”

/* Add isl29020 related include here*/ /ISL29020 light sensor/

#include “isl29020.h” #include “isl29020_params.h”

/* Add l3g44200 related include here*/ /l3g44200 gyroscope sensor/

#include “l3g4200d.h” #include “l3g4200d_params.h”

#ifndef EMCUTE_ID #define EMCUTE_ID (“gertrud”) #endif #define EMCUTE_PRIO (THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1) #define CONFIG_EMCUTE_DEFAULT_PORT (1883U)

#define DELAY (100LU * US_PER_MS) /* 1000 ms */ #define NUMOFSUBS (16U) #define TOPIC_MAXLEN (64U) #define _IPV6_DEFAULT_PREFIX_LEN (64U)

static msg_t queue[8];

static emcute_sub_t subscriptions[NUMOFSUBS]; static char topics[NUMOFSUBS][TOPIC_MAXLEN];

/* [Emcute - MQTT] Stack and vars */ static char emcute_stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN];

/* Declare the lpsxxx device variable here */

static lpsxxx_t lpsxxx;

/* Declare the lsm303dlhc device variable here */

static lsm303dlhc_t lsm303dlhc;

/* Declare the isl29020 device variable here*/

static isl29020_t isl29020;

/Declare the l3g4200d device variable here/

static l3g4200d_t l3g4200d;

/* Declare and initialize the lsm303dlhc thread lock here */ //static mutex_t lsm_lock = MUTEX_INIT_LOCKED;

/* Declare and initialize the lpsxxx thread lock here */ //static mutex_t lps_lock = MUTEX_INIT_LOCKED;

/* Declare and initialize the isl29020 thread lock here */ //static mutex_t isl_lock = MUTEX_INIT_LOCKED;

/* Declare and initialize the l3g4200d thread lock here */ //static mutex_t l3g_lock = MUTEX_INIT_LOCKED;

/* Declare and initialize the lsm303dlhc thread lock here */ static mutex_t sensors_lock = MUTEX_INIT_LOCKED;

//static char stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN];

/* stack memory allocated for the lsm303dlhc, l3g4200d, isl29020, lpsxxx thread */

static char lsm303dlhc_stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN]; static char l3g4200d_stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN]; static char isl29020_stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN]; static char lpsxxx_stack[THREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN];

static emcute_topic_t topic; static unsigned flags = EMCUTE_QOS_0;

static void *emcute_thread(void arg) { (void)arg; emcute_run(CONFIG_EMCUTE_DEFAULT_PORT, EMCUTE_ID); return NULL; / should never be reached */ }

static void on_pub(const emcute_topic_t *topic, void *data, size_t len) { char *in = (char *)data;

printf("### got publication for topic '%s' [%i] ###\n",
       topic->name, (int)topic->id);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    printf("%c", in[i]);



int start_emcute(void) { /* initialize our subscription buffers */ memset(subscriptions, 0, (NUMOFSUBS * sizeof(emcute_sub_t)));

int dev_id;
dev_id = EMCUTE_ID[strlen(EMCUTE_ID)-1] - '0';
printf("Dev id: %d\n", dev_id);

/* start the emcute thread */
thread_create(emcute_stack, sizeof(emcute_stack), EMCUTE_PRIO, 0, emcute_thread, NULL, "emcute");

// connect to MQTT-SN broker
printf("Connecting to MQTT-SN broker %s port %d.\n", SERVER_ADDR, SERVER_PORT);

sock_udp_ep_t gw = {
    .family = AF_INET6,
    .port = SERVER_PORT};

char *message = "connected";
size_t len = strlen(message);

/* parse address */
if (ipv6_addr_from_str((ipv6_addr_t *)&gw.addr.ipv6, SERVER_ADDR) == NULL) {
    printf("error parsing IPv6 address\n");
    return 1;

if (emcute_con(&gw, true, MQTT_TOPIC, message, len, 0) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to connect to [%s]:%i\n", SERVER_ADDR, (int)gw.port);
    return 1;

printf("Successfully connected to gateway at [%s]:%i\n", SERVER_ADDR, (int)gw.port);

// setup subscription to topic

unsigned flags = EMCUTE_QOS_0;
subscriptions[0].cb = on_pub;
strcpy(topics[0], MQTT_TOPIC_IN);
subscriptions[0] = MQTT_TOPIC_IN;

if (emcute_sub(&subscriptions[0], flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to subscribe to %s\n", MQTT_TOPIC_IN);
    return 1;

printf("Now subscribed to %s\n", MQTT_TOPIC_IN);

return 0;



static void on_pub(const emcute_topic_t *topic, void *data, size_t len) { char *in = (char *)data;

printf("### got publication for topic '%s' [%i] ###\n",
       topic->name, (int)topic->id);
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    printf("%c", in[i]);

} */

static unsigned get_qos(const char *str) { int qos = atoi(str); switch (qos) { case 1: return EMCUTE_QOS_1; case 2: return EMCUTE_QOS_2; default: return EMCUTE_QOS_0; } }

static void *lsm303dlhc_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg;

/* Add the lsm303dlhc accelerometer/magnetoeter sensor polling endless loop here */

while (1) {
    /* Acquire the mutex here */
  // mutex_lock(&lsm_lock);

    /* Read the accelerometer/magnetometer values here */
    lsm303dlhc_3d_data_t mag_value;
    lsm303dlhc_3d_data_t acc_value;
    lsm303dlhc_read_acc(&lsm303dlhc, &acc_value);
    lsm303dlhc_read_mag(&lsm303dlhc, &mag_value);

    printf("Accelerometer x: %i y: %i z: %i\n",
       acc_value.x_axis, acc_value.y_axis, acc_value.z_axis);
    printf("Magnetometer x: %i y: %i z: %i\n",
       mag_value.x_axis, mag_value.y_axis, mag_value.z_axis);
    xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

    xtimer_ticks32_t last = xtimer_now(); 

    /*json structure*/
    char json[128];  

    /*structure of time*/
    char datetime[20];
    time_t current;

    // takes the current date and time

    struct tm* tt = localtime(&current);
    int c = strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %T", tt);
    if(c == 0) {
      printf("Error! Invalid format\n");
      return 0;

    // takes the sample sensor data

    char value[1] = "1";

    /* step 1:  fills the json document */

    sprintf(json, "{\"id\": \"%d\", \"datetime\": \"%s\", \"X\": %6i, \"Y\": %6i,\"Z\": %6i}",
              atoi(value), datetime, acc_value.x_axis, acc_value.y_axis, acc_value.z_axis);                  
    // argv[2] = json;  

/* step 2: publish data */
  if (emcute_pub(&topic, json, strlen(json), flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to publish data to topic '%s [%i]'\n",
  , (int);
    return 0;

  printf("Published %i bytes to topic '%s  [%i]'\n",

  xtimer_periodic_wakeup(&last, DELAY);

    /* Release the mutex here */
    xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

return 0;


static void *l3g4200d_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg;

/* Add the l3g4200d gyroscope sensor polling endless loop here */

while (1) {
    /* Acquire the mutex here */

    /* Read the gyroscope  values here */
   l3g4200d_t l3g4200d;
   l3g4200d_data_t acc_data;
   l3g4200d_read(&l3g4200d, &acc_data);
   printf("Gyroscope data [dps] - X: %6i   Y: %6i   Z: %6i\n",
       acc_data.acc_x, acc_data.acc_y, acc_data.acc_z);
   xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

   xtimer_ticks32_t last = xtimer_now();

   /*json structure*/
   char json[128];  

   /*structure of time*/
   char datetime[20];
   time_t current;

    // takes the current date and time

    struct tm* tt = localtime(&current);
    int c = strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %T", tt);
    if(c == 0) {
      printf("Error! Invalid format\n");
      return 0;

    // takes the sample sensor data

     char value[1] = "1";

    /* step 1:  fills the json document */

    sprintf(json, "{\"id\": \"%d\", \"datetime\": \"%s\", \"X\": %6i, \"Y\": %6i,\"Z\": %6i}",
              atoi(value), datetime, acc_data.acc_x, acc_data.acc_y, acc_data.acc_z);                  
  //argv[2] = json;  

/* step 2: publish data */
  if (emcute_pub(&topic, json, strlen(json), flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to publish data to topic '%s [%i]'\n",
  , (int);
    return 0;

  printf("Published %i bytes to topic '%s  [%i]'\n",

  xtimer_periodic_wakeup(&last, DELAY);

    /* Release the mutex here */

   xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

return 0;


static void *isl29020_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg;

/* Add the isl29020 light sensor polling endless loop here */

while (1) {
    /* Acquire the mutex here */

    /* Read the light sensor  values here */
   isl29020_t lumin;
   printf("Intensity of luminescence: %5i LUX\n", isl29020_read(&lumin));
   xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);
   xtimer_ticks32_t last = xtimer_now();

    /*json structure*/
    char json[128];  

    /*structure of time*/
    char datetime[20];
    time_t current;

   // takes the current date and time

    struct tm* tt = localtime(&current);
    int c = strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %T", tt);
    if(c == 0) {
      printf("Error! Invalid format\n");
      return 0;

// takes the sample sensor data

  char value[1] = "1";

/* step 1:  fills the json document */

sprintf(json, "{\"id\": \"%d\", \"datetime\": \"%s\", \"LUMINESCENCE\": %5i}",
              atoi(value), datetime, isl29020_read(&lumin));                  
  //argv[2] = json;  

/* step 2: publish data */
  if (emcute_pub(&topic, json, strlen(json), flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to publish data to topic '%s [%i]'\n",
  , (int);
    return 0;

  printf("Published %i bytes to topic '%s  [%i]'\n",

   xtimer_periodic_wakeup(&last, DELAY);

   /* Release the mutex here */


   xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

return 0;


static void *lpsxxx_thread(void *arg) { (void)arg;

/* Add the lpsxxx atmospheric pressure and temperature sensor polling endless loop here */

while (1) {
    /* Acquire the mutex here */

    /* Read the atmospheric pressure and temperature  values here */

    uint16_t pres = 0;
    int16_t temp = 0;
    lpsxxx_read_pres(&lpsxxx, &pres);
    lpsxxx_read_temp(&lpsxxx, &temp);
    printf("Pressure: %uhPa, Temperature: %u.%u°C\n",
       pres, (temp / 100), (temp % 100));
    xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

    xtimer_ticks32_t last = xtimer_now(); 

    /*json structure*/
    char json[128];  

    /*structure of time*/
    char datetime[20];
    time_t current;
    // takes the current date and time

    struct tm* tt = localtime(&current);
    int c = strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%Y-%m-%d %T", tt);
    if(c == 0) {
      printf("Error! Invalid format\n");
      return 0;

// takes the sample sensor data

 char value[1] = "1"; 

/* step 1:  fills the json document */

sprintf(json, "{\"id\": \"%d\", \"datetime\": \"%s\", \"PRESSURE\": %i, \"TEMPERATURE\": %i}",
              atoi(value), datetime, pres, temp);                  
 // argv[2] = json;  

/* step 2: publish data */
  if (emcute_pub(&topic, json, strlen(json), flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to publish data to topic '%s [%i]'\n",
  , (int);
    return 0;

  printf("Published %i bytes to topic '%s  [%i]'\n",

  xtimer_periodic_wakeup(&last, DELAY);

/*   gpio_toggle(pin);*/   

// it sleeps for five seconds

    /* Release the mutex here */

 // mutex_unlock(&lps_lock);
    xtimer_usleep(500 * US_PER_MS);

return 0;


static void _lsm303dlhc_usage(char *cmd) { printf(“usage: %s <start|stop>\n”, cmd); }

static int lsm303dlhc_handler(int argc, char *argv) { if (argc < 2) { _lsm303dlhc_usage(argv[0]); return -1; }

/* Implement the lsm303dlhc start/stop temperature|magnetometer|accelerometer subcommands here */

if (!strcmp(argv[1], "start")) {
   // mutex_unlock(&lsm_lock);
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) {
else {
    return -1;

return 0;


static void _lpsxxx_usage(char *cmd) { printf(“usage: %s <temperature|pressure>\n”, cmd); }

static int lpsxxx_handler(int argc, char *argv) { if (argc < 2) { _lpsxxx_usage(argv[0]); return -1; }

/* Implement the lpsxxx temperature/pressure subcommands here */

if (!strcmp(argv[1], "temperature")) {
    int16_t temp = 0;
    lpsxxx_read_temp(&lpsxxx, &temp);
    printf("Temperature: %i.%u°C\n", (temp / 100), (temp % 100));
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "pressure")) {
    uint16_t pres = 0;
    lpsxxx_read_pres(&lpsxxx, &pres);
    printf("Pressure: %uhPa\n", pres);
else {
    return -1;
return 0;


static void _isl29020_usage(char *cmd) { printf(“usage: %s <start|stop>\n”, cmd); }

static int isl29020_handler(int argc, char *argv) { if (argc < 2) { _isl29020_usage(argv[0]); return -1; }

/* Implement the isl29020 start/stop subcommands here */

if (!strcmp(argv[1], "start")) {
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) {
else {
    return -1;
return 0;


static void _l3g4200d_usage(char *cmd) { printf(“usage: %s <start|stop>\n”, cmd); }

static int l3g4200d_handler(int argc, char *argv) { if (argc < 2) { _l3g4200d_usage(argv[0]); return -1; }

/* Implement the gyroscope l3g4200d start/stop subcommands here */

 if (!strcmp(argv[1], "start")) {
else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "stop")) {
   // mutex_trylock(&lsm_lock);
else {
    return -1;

return 0;


static int cmd_con(int argc, char **argv) { sock_udp_ep_t gw = { .family = AF_INET6, .port = CONFIG_EMCUTE_DEFAULT_PORT }; char *topic = NULL; char *message = NULL; size_t len = 0;

if (argc < 2) {
    printf("usage: %s <ipv6 addr> [port] [<will topic> <will message>]\n",
    return 1;

/* parse address */
if (ipv6_addr_from_str((ipv6_addr_t *)&gw.addr.ipv6, argv[1]) == NULL) {
    printf("error parsing IPv6 address\n");
    return 1;

if (argc >= 3) {
    gw.port = atoi(argv[2]);
if (argc >= 5) {
    topic = argv[3];
    message = argv[4];
    len = strlen(message);

if (emcute_con(&gw, true, topic, message, len, 0) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to connect to [%s]:%i\n", argv[1], (int)gw.port);
    return 1;
printf("Successfully connected to gateway at [%s]:%i\n",
       argv[1], (int)gw.port);

return 0;


static int cmd_discon(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv;

int res = emcute_discon();
if (res == EMCUTE_NOGW) {
    puts("error: not connected to any broker");
    return 1;
else if (res != EMCUTE_OK) {
    puts("error: unable to disconnect");
    return 1;
puts("Disconnect successful");
return 0;


static int cmd_pub(int argc, char **argv) { emcute_topic_t topic; unsigned flags = EMCUTE_QOS_0;

if (argc < 2) {
    printf("usage: %s <topic name>  [QoS level]\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

/* parse QoS level */
if (argc >= 4) {
    flags |= get_qos(argv[3]);

printf("pub with topic: %s and name %s and flags 0x%02x\n", argv[1], argv[2], (int)flags);

/* step 1: get topic id */ = argv[1];
if (emcute_reg(&topic) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    puts("error: unable to obtain topic ID");
    return 1;


// char pump[2] = “OF”; /SENSOR VARIABLES/

/*This four threads provide with continuous readings. while the shell, which is a separate thread (the main)
provide with start/stop readings*/

/* Perform sensor readings lsm303dlhc on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(lsm303dlhc_stack, sizeof(lsm303dlhc_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1,
              0, lsm303dlhc_thread, NULL, "lsm303dlhc");
/* Perform sensor readings l3g4200d on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(l3g4200d_stack, sizeof(l3g4200d_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1,
              0, l3g4200d_thread, NULL, "l3g4200d");
/* Perform sensor readings isl29020 on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(isl29020_stack, sizeof(isl29020_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1,
              0, isl29020_thread, NULL, "isl29020");
/* Perform sensor readings lpsxxx on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(lpsxxx_stack, sizeof(lpsxxx_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1,
              0, lpsxxx_thread, NULL, "lpsxxx");

// it sleeps for five seconds xtimer_sleep(5);

return 0;


static int cmd_sub(int argc, char **argv) { unsigned flags = EMCUTE_QOS_0;

if (argc < 2) {
    printf("usage: %s <topic name> [QoS level]\n", argv[0]);
    return 1;

if (strlen(argv[1]) > TOPIC_MAXLEN) {
    puts("error: topic name exceeds maximum possible size");
    return 1;
if (argc >= 3) {
    flags |= get_qos(argv[2]);

/* find empty subscription slot */
unsigned i = 0;
for (; (i < NUMOFSUBS) && (subscriptions[i] != 0); i++) {}
if (i == NUMOFSUBS) {
    puts("error: no memory to store new subscriptions");
    return 1;

subscriptions[i].cb = on_pub;
strcpy(topics[i], argv[1]);
subscriptions[i] = topics[i];
if (emcute_sub(&subscriptions[i], flags) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    printf("error: unable to subscribe to %s\n", argv[1]);
    return 1;

printf("Now subscribed to %s\n", argv[1]);
return 0;


static int cmd_unsub(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf(“usage %s \n”, argv[0]); return 1; }

/* find subscriptions entry */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUMOFSUBS; i++) {
    if (subscriptions[i] &&
        (strcmp(subscriptions[i], argv[1]) == 0)) {
        if (emcute_unsub(&subscriptions[i]) == EMCUTE_OK) {
            memset(&subscriptions[i], 0, sizeof(emcute_sub_t));
            printf("Unsubscribed from '%s'\n", argv[1]);
        else {
            printf("Unsubscription form '%s' failed\n", argv[1]);
        return 0;

printf("error: no subscription for topic '%s' found\n", argv[1]);
return 1;


static int cmd_will(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf(“usage %s \n”, argv[0]); return 1; }

if (emcute_willupd_topic(argv[1], 0) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    puts("error: unable to update the last will topic");
    return 1;
if (emcute_willupd_msg(argv[2], strlen(argv[2])) != EMCUTE_OK) {
    puts("error: unable to update the last will message");
    return 1;

puts("Successfully updated last will topic and message");
return 0;


static const shell_command_t commands = {

/* shell command connect  */  
{ "con", "Start the station", cmd_con},

/* shell command connect  */ 
{ "discon", "disconnect from the current broker", cmd_discon },

/* shell command connect  */ 
{ "pub", "publish something", cmd_pub },

/* shell command connect  */ 
{ "sub", "subscribe topic", cmd_sub },

/* shell command connect  */ 
{ "unsub", "unsubscribe from topic", cmd_unsub },

/* shell command connect  */ 
{ "will", "register a last will", cmd_will },

/* lsm303dlhc shell command handler */
{ "lsm", "reading lsm303dlhc accelerometer values", lsm303dlhc_handler },

/* lpsxxx shell command handler */
{ "lps", "reading the lpsxxx  pressure and temperature  values", lpsxxx_handler },

/* isl29020 shell command handler */
{ "isl", "reading isl29020 light sensor values", isl29020_handler },

/* l3g4200d shell command handler */
{ "l3g", "read the gyroscope l3g4200d values", l3g4200d_handler },



int main(void) {

puts("Riot Application");
/* Initialize the lps331ap sensor here */
puts("Initializing LPSxxx sensor");
lpsxxx_init(&lpsxxx, &lpsxxx_params[0]);
if (lpsxxx_init(&lpsxxx, &lpsxxx_params[0]) == 0) {
else {
return 1;

/* Initialize the lsm303dlhc sensor here */
puts("Initializing LSM303DLHC sensor");
lsm303dlhc_init(&lsm303dlhc, &lsm303dlhc_params[0]);
if (lsm303dlhc_init(&lsm303dlhc, &lsm303dlhc_params[0]) == 0) {
else {
return 1;

/* Initialize the isl29020 sensor here */
puts("Initializing ISL29020 sensor");
isl29020_init(&isl29020, &isl29020_params[0]);
if (isl29020_init(&isl29020, &isl29020_params[0]) == 0) {
else {
return 1;

/*Initialize the l3g4200d sensor here*/
puts("Initializing L3G4200D sensor");
l3g4200d_init(&l3g4200d, &l3g4200d_params[0]);
if (l3g4200d_init(&l3g4200d, &l3g4200d_params[0]) == 0) {
else {
return 1;


/* the main thread needs a msg queue to be able to run `ping6`*/
msg_init_queue(queue, ARRAY_SIZE(queue));

/* initialize our subscription buffers */
//memset(subscriptions, 0, (NUMOFSUBS * sizeof(emcute_sub_t)));

/* start the emcute thread */
/*thread_create(emcute_stack, sizeof(emcute_stack), EMCUTE_PRIO, 0,
              emcute_thread, NULL, "emcute"); */

 /*This four threads provide with continuous readings. while the shell, which is a separate thread (the main)
provide with start/stop readings*/

/* Perform sensor readings lsm303dlhc on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(lsm303dlhc_stack, sizeof(lsm303dlhc_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1,
              0, lsm303dlhc_thread, NULL, "lsm303dlhc");
/* Perform sensor readings l3g4200d on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(l3g4200d_stack, sizeof(l3g4200d_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 2,
              0, l3g4200d_thread, NULL, "l3g4200d");
/* Perform sensor readings isl29020 on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(isl29020_stack, sizeof(isl29020_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 3,
              0, isl29020_thread, NULL, "isl29020");
/* Perform sensor readings lpsxxx on a separate thread in order to host a shell on the main thread*/  
thread_create(lpsxxx_stack, sizeof(lpsxxx_stack), THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 4,
              0, lpsxxx_thread, NULL, "lpsxxx");
/* Everything is ready, let's start the shell now */
shell_run(commands, line_buf, SHELL_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE);

return 0;
