Suopported platform

Hello people,

I want to use RIOT in avr-zigduino platform. The development board is zigduino r2. It has ATmega128RFa1 processor and on chip low power 2.4GHz radio for zigbee and IEEE 802.15.4. The link to the board manual is here:

Hi Rupesh,

and welcome to RIOT! The supposed platform looks quite interesting, but as far as I see it, we currently don't have support for that MCU. If you are interested and have some capacities, you could try to port the platform for RIOT, according to our porting guide [1]. I think there will be some people (including me), that will help you. Also you could cheat a bit by comparing to the 8Bit Atmega2560 or several other 32Bit platforms. Regarding the on-chip receiver, you should fulfill the netdev interface [2] (attention! this may change slightly during the next weeks) and with that, be able to run our gnrc network-stack. For the transceiver driver you may also cheat a bit by comparing other 802.15.4. drivers, e.g. for the AT86RFxx family.

Best, Peter

[1] [2]