RIOT Summit 2018: Registration open

Dear RIOTers,

the third RIOT Summit ( will take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands at the Science Park Congress Center on September 13-14, 2018. The first day is dedicated to single-track presentations. The second day allows for break-out sessions and coding. If you want to attend, please register as soon as possible:


Keynote by Jaime Jim�nez (Co-chair of IETF CoRE Working Group and Master Researcher @ Ericsson)

More speakers:


After the talks of the first day, we have organized a casual BBQ at a Rolling Rock Kitchen ( Food is sponsored.


Please note that Amsterdam is pretty crowded during the week of the RIOT Summit. Book soon! You should also consider options such as, airbnb, or accommodations in Utrecht (~40 minutes by public transport).


Participation at the RIOT Summit is free of charge. However, registration is required:


We gratefully thank the following companies for their generous support: Cisco, RIPE NCC, SIDN Labs, STMicroelectronics, wolfSSL, Z�hlke.

We also thank Freie Universitaet Berlin, HAW Hamburg, and INRIA.

Looking forward to meet all of you in Amsterdam!

Dear RIOTers,

  there are still some free tickets available to join the RIOT Summit 2018 in Amsterdam. Registration is free (thanks to our sponsors!) but mandatory:


- Keynote by Jaime Jimenez, Ericsson - 12 talks on networking, security, applications, and future directions - Tutorials - Demos - Social at Rolling Rock Kitchen Amsterdam - For more details: see

We gratefully thank the following companies for their generous support: Cisco, RIPE NCC, Savoir-faire Linux, SIDN Labs, STMicroelectronics, wolfSSL, Z�hlke.

Looking forward to meet all of you in Amsterdam!