RIOT port to ESP32


Has anyone already tried a RIOT port for the Espressif's ESP32?

If not, I would start a port and would check first which parts of my Espressif ESP8266 port could be reused.

Regards Gunar


I just want to inform that I have started a RIOT port for ESP32.

I suppose that I can reuse some parts of my ESP8266 port since both CPUs are Xtensa Core based. However, ESP32 is a dual core processor. That's why it might become more difficult to implement. On the other side, ESP32 is much better documented than ESP8266. So I hope I can provide a first version in less than 2 months.

Regards Gunar

Hi Gunar

thanks for the heads up! Are you considering a port with RIOT actually using the two cores? Or are you initially going for a simpler config with RIOT using a single core?



Hi Emmanuel,

first, I will try to use one core :frowning:

Regards Gunar