Hello, how i can install RIOT OS on ESP32?? i cant find any tutorial and i am a beginner so i would need help to install it. Im on a school project about aerospace, we will use RIOT OS to make a ground station for a mini satellite. Greetings from Argentina

The Documentation provides a pretty good overview both for installing the toolchain as well as for flashing the device.

I don’t know how or where to start, I find the documentation very confusing

First you need to install the toolchain. You can do so by running

dist/tools/esptools/ esp32

from the root of the RIOT repository. Then, to add the toolchain binaries to your $PATH, run

dist/tools/esptools/ esp32

Now you should be able to compile any application for ESP32, e.g.:

make -C examples/hello-world BOARD=esp32-wroom-32 flash term

This should compile the example, flash the ESP32 with it and open a terminal so you can see the output.