Release 2025.01

Dear RIOTers,

We are delighted to announce the 42nd official release of RIOT!

---------------------[ RIOT 2025.01 ]---------------------

The 2025.01 release includes:

More work done to update the legacy netdev API to its new version new_netdev_api (#20978, #21012, #21015, #21016, #21020, #21028, #21091, #20991). This means that if you are still using the legacy netdev API, start thinking about updating!

We documented the community processes in a file. This new file now clearly states all previously undocumented community procedures and governance, and defines community roles, to further our goals of openness and transparency within the community.

We also added the same51-curiosity-nano board along with some configuration improvements “across the board” :wink:.

144 pull requests, composed of 280 commits, have been merged since the last release, and 0 issues have been solved. 32 people contributed with code in 65 days. 665 files have been touched with 75661 (+) insertions and 6329 deletions (-).

You can download the RIOT release from Github by cloning the repository and checkout the release tag or by downloading the tarball, and look up the release notes for further details.

A big thanks to everyone who contributed!


– Kevin