As you may have guessed, I just wanted to show that your code worked easily with the httpd settings I made earlier.
We just need to decide where and how to define the lwip_httpd flags like LWIP_HTTPD_CGI, SSI, CGI_SSI. I defined them in pkg/lwip/include/lwipopts.h, when you redefined them in Makefile, it caused a “multiple definition” error.
I didn’t look at the sensör side right now because I will deal with the sensor side in detail for another subject; I want to implement a lighting controller with DALI protocol. Dali master driver is ready and has worked very well so far. The user interface seems ok too. I’m trying to handle the web interface now.
No, I didn’t know it but I’ll try, thanks.
I want to make the web interface visually better and more useful. I also want to put a “password” on web access. This password can be built into the firmware, just like esp8266/32 ssid and pass. Also, I want to test esp8266/32 as an access point. I would be very grateful if you have any advice on these matters.