Porting RIOT for PSoC 5LP Development Kit (CY8CKIT-050)

Hi all,

I want to port RIOT (If there is nobody working on it) to CY8CKIT-050 development kit to use RIOT on Cypress PSoC 5LP processor.

I have created a wiki page : Board: CY8CKIT 050 PSoC® 5LP# I will provide more information in wiki page.# # It is my first activity in this group so does RIOT community need any additional information?



Senior SW Engineer at Cypress Semiconductor

Hi Murat,

first of all: Welcome to RIOT!

Actually you platform is very new to me, but looks interesting on first sight. Just give it a try and let us know if we can help you!

Cheers, Hauke

Hi Murat,

welcome also from my side. In the wiki there exists a porting guide [1] describing the basic steps needed. Looking forward to your port.

Best, Thomas

Of course I missed the link. Sorry.

[1] https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/wiki/Porting-Guide

Thanks Hauke,

PSoCs are great silicones which combines of Processors and Programmable HW Blocks. PSoCs have a cortex (ARM Cortex M3-M0) and programmable digital (like as FPGA) and programmable analog HW (FPGA does NOT have) blocks. So, you can add and remove HW blocks to design your custom processor easily.

PSoC creator is a very great IDE to design custom processor. You can drag and drop HW components (Timer, UART, PWM, I2C, OpAmp, Multiplexer etc.) to schema. PSoC creator creates VHDL code for you and writes also codes and APIs to use HW modules.

For introduction, please see following video : http://www.cypress.com/?rID=94894

Porting to PSoC will probably have some challenges. Because, other processors have predefined and static HW blocks but PSoCs have configurable HW blocks.

For example, there is no Timer or UART HW module on PSoC as default. Designer should add Timer (or UART) HW into the PSoC if he need.

RIOT porting should be aligned with the configurable HW design.

I believe that Programmable Digital and Analog blocks can be valuable for managing and processing sensor side of IoT.

I hope RIOT can be ported to PSoC.



Thanks Thomas,

I have almost read all documents in wiki. Documents are clear but a bit more detail would be great to understand relations and functionalities of files/folders. I am trying to understand other ported boards and cpu’s.

