Dear RIOT Community Members,
ML!PA Consulting GmbH (located in Berlin Friedrichshain; homepage (not up-to-date)) is searching up to two full time employees to join our embedded software development team. We are a young company with a focus on design, development & small to mid scale production of industrial IoT products. We design applications to our customers’ needs. Software development at ML!PA spans from IoT devices to cloud and mobile application development to be able to deliver a complete IoT solution.
Current technological environment:
- Software:
- RIOT OS (current RTOS choice, no plans to change soon)
- Ubuntu Core (for embedded Linux applications), our Linux software is mostly written in Java
- Hardware:
- Atmel SAM processor series (current MCU series, might be extended as necessary)
- Altium Designer as EDA tool (no prior knowledge required; limited licenses; viewer access for all developers)
We are currently at the beginning of transitioning between small scale and mid scale production of devices in our company spaces.
Your areas of activity:
- FOCUS: customer hardware + embedded software design (selection of components & composition of system, no circuit or PCB design)
- FOCUS: RTOS based application prototyping
- FOCUS: programming of rollout-ready RTOS based applications
- FOCUS: improving the internal RTOS based toolkit for application programming (software management; data management; data analysis; drivers)
- SOME: RTOS public contributions (as needed to meet project requirements; not as a main focus; we use an internal sign-off process for more substantial non-derived contributions)
- SOME: embedded Linux software
- SOME: help in production line buildup (inline test hardware + software design & implementation)
In Corona times we are currently working mostly from home. For later times we are aiming at a transition back towards part-time weekly office presence (no definitive plan yet).
Hoping to hear from you soon. You can either respond here or write an email to office at ml-pa dot com with some words about your background & prior experience. We don’t require a formal application but if you have one, feel free to attach it.
Best regards,
Daniel & Ben (benpicco)