Notes: Virtual Maintainer Assembly (VMA) 2025.02

2025.02 VMA


  • Martine
  • Kevin
  • Teufelchen
  • mikolai
  • Koen
  • benpicco
  • Emmanuel
  • Christian
  • Dylan
  • Karl


  • Agenda Bashing - 5’ (Martine)
  • 2025.01 Release Debrief - 5’ (Kevin)
  • Outlook on Upcoming 2025.04 Release - 5’ (Mikolai)
  • Upcoming Roles - 5’ (Martine)
    • 2025.07 Release Manager
    • 2025.05 VMA Moderator

  • EU Cyberresilience Act and Lobbying in Brussels - 10’ (Martine)
    • Martine was approached about a person who is lobbying for “the FOSS community” in Brussels
    • Should we get into contact with them so they can represent us explicitly?
  • Consolidate Forum Moderator Role into (Community) Maintainers - 15’ (Martine)
    • Ask Karin and MCR to also become Community Maintainers
  • Reapproaching c. (potential maintainer) - 5’ (Martine)
  • CI access for non-maintainer - 10’ (Mikolai)
    • concrete case: Georg @ TUD
    • can we give some rights somehow?
  • Maintainer Discussions Should be in Public Channels - 15’ (Martine)
    • Read-only for non-maintainers?
    • How to do “read-only” at VMA?
  • Updating RIOT Roadmap - 30’ (Mikolai)
    • can we agree on an updated roadmap?
    • if not, remove outdated one at Roadmap


Agenda Bashing

  • Notetaking: Benpicco, Mikolai, Christian

2025.01 Release Debrief

  • Kevin: not much progress on improving release process, but everything went through quite smoothly anyhow
  • IoT lab responsive when issues popped up

Outlook on Upcoming 2025.04 Release

  • ~7.04. soft freeze, hard freeze week after that
  • native aliasing (automatic native32/native64 selection)

Upcoming Roles

2025.05 VMA Moderator

  • Kevin will do it

2025.07 Release Manager- it’s Teufelchen

EU Cyberresilience Act and Lobbying in Brussels

  • Martine: Contacts to c-base, Jens Ohlig (johl), contacts to “Open Source Community” lobbying. Does it make sense for us as a community to speak with them directly?
  • (some nodding)
  • Martine: Who would do that? Can do but am not deep in there.
  • benpicco: What would be the goal? Isn’t that already passed? There was FOSDEM workshop; not so happy about it. AIU will come into law at (date). Will mean that CE also applies to Cyberresilience act.
  • Martine: talked to johl 2w ago.
  • Karl: Still needs to be put into law.

  • benpicco: Would be interested, don’t know what it will be about, it’s vague.
  • emmanuel: Can also participate.
  • Martine: Will approach johl telling we have 2-3 ppl to talk to.

Consolidate Forum Moderator Role into (Community) Maintainers

  • Martine: From writing down governance docs: currently, we have forum moderators, and maybe matrix moderators, maybe formalize these into community maintainers
  • Martine: Are Community Maintainers the same as Forum Moderators?
  • Koen: two pieces of extra context. We do have 2nd draft about moderator roles (my last input November 2020); (?) had conscious decision to have moderators separate from maintainers.
  • Martine: merge this into
  • Koen (agrees)
  • Martine: should we consolidate into community maintainers?
  • chrysn: we shouldn’t formalize and split these roles too much. People whom we generally trust as maintainers are maintainers; then if someone wants to participate in forum moderation they get that box ticked, and most maintainers will want to exercise upload (merge/review) rights, but some may not want to exercise that.

  • Martine: So, don’t consolidate, but extend what maintainers are and open up for non-uploading maintainer?

Reapproaching c.

  • Martine: c. declined offer to be but is still active; make sense to re-approach?
  • see thread; maribu preferred someone else to reapproach him.

  • Koen: just ask if they want merge access, like maintainer-but-opt-out-of-extras.

  • chrysn: maybe not push, just note that offer is open.

  • Martine: Who wants to reapproach? Will do

CI access for non-maintainer

  • mikolai: Student at TUD who wants to get into CI. Don’t have someone who feels responsible (with Kaspar saying he won’t work there).
  • Teufelchen: Wanted to take over but didn’t put in effort yet.
  • mikolai: He’s not part of community yet, not a maintainer.

  • chrysn: Let’s just do that. You know them, fine with delegating that out of maintainer group.
  • Kevin: You also don’t need that, you can set up a copy, all you need is some DNS entry. When I was playing around with it, there was one private Murdock key distributed to all machines. Wouldn’t be happy giving that one out, but if it’s just a matter of adding a separate key, that shouldn’t be a blocker.
  • Koen: I think there’s a config somewhere that says that “if you’re a maintainer you’re allowed to press more buttons”. But am with chrysn: If someone is willing to work on it, great.
  • Martine: We have a CI team, can add there and configure members there to have same rights than maintainers.

  • mikolai: Great. As for talking to people, had mixed responses in CI chat.
  • Kevin: Nobody feels super responsible; unicasting might work better. Happy to try to help where I’ve been. Maybe Teufelchen dug deeper in some parts.
  • Teufelchen: Was surprisingly difficult to set things up locally, and went out of time with it.
  • Koen: can also participate some knowledge.

  • Conclusion: We’ll try, and try to be responsive.
  • (and student can ping / mail / try set up meeting with Koen / Kevin)

  • Martine: Will add him into CI, then let’s see what more it takes.

Maintainer Discussions Should be in Public Channels

  • Martine: Was discussed previously, came up related to Governance document.
  • Martine: Should we make maintainers forum / chat public? Silent participation in VMA?
  • benpicco: Sometimes we discuss things in maintainer chat that should be in public chat. But chat should stay private. For VMA, if someone wants to listen in, let them.
  • emmanuel: Agree on having a private channel, but better triage what goes where. Ad VMA, initially they were extension of GA which is public. So public was the idea.
  • Teufelchen: You weren’t strict.
  • chrysn: Let’s just open up the VMA. On the notes, should edit them when it’s about non-maintainers.

  • Martine: So keep maintainer forum private, but post VMA stuff publicly?
  • emmanuel: Also other things, “does this have to be on the private channel?”

  • Conclusion: Private channels except VMA stay private, but be more aware of what to post where.

Updating RIOT Roadmap

  • mikolai: Was asked about roadmap, and some looks outdated.

  • mikolai: If we can’t update it, we should remove it.

  • Martine: Discussed a lot in past VMAs, but nobody ever feels responsible for it. Also doesn’t reflect the way we approach problems: We see something missing, do it.

  • chrysn: Maybe what we need is not discussion about the nature of the roadmap, but having everyone go through their items for 5min after (future: before) a VMA.

  • mikolai: Also it’s more a feature tracker, not broader topics. Not sure how helpful that is.
  • Kevin: Does look messy. Clean up.
  • mikolai: PRs on GitHub are easier to keep updated.
  • Martine: Looked at it; most of what I’m in I don’t feel responsible for any more.
  • emmanuel: RIOT had no roadmap for a long time. Not sure cleaning that up will solve it. (?) Unless we can maintain it, let’s rather not have one.

  • Karl: Rather than removing, there was intention behind the initial question. Make roadmap serve its original purpose
  • mikolai: So not so much about what is going to happen in 3 years, but what people are doing. Been asked about “what is something easy to start working on RIOT”

  • chrysn: Fine if agree to dissolve, but then give chance for people to move their items into tracker (mine are active, collaborating with Ariel).
  • mikolai: Label on issues that reflects “high-level goal”?
  • Martine: There is “feature” tracker label
  • chrysn: “feature” is everything that’s not a bug; if abandon roadmap, have some high-level label
  • Martine: “Process:tracking(?)”
  • mikolai: At least it’s not a static list in repo’s docs/

  • benpicco: “roadmap” implies someone is working on it
  • Karl: easier to track PRs

  • Martine, concluding: Move roadmap into issue tracker under to-be-created label.
  • Martine: can discuss outcome at next VMA.


  • mikolai: Teufelchen and I will be at embedded world, joint with Barkhausen Institut (Dresden research institute working on microkernel OS). If you’re nearby, drop by. Will post on mastodon too (via chrysn / send details)
  • benpicco: maribu and I (and mikolai) will be at Chemnitzer Linuxtage
  • Martine: reuse demos! BTHome demo might be interesting, esp. at CLT.

I created the label Process: pending development for that purpose. I am not deadset on the name, so if anyone has a better proposal, feel free to change the name.

Restructuring the teams on GitHub isn’t as easy as I thought it was, since for each new (sub-)team people need to be re-invited one-by-one. So I propose: we keep things as is, but people not wanting to exercise their upload rights just don’t use them :wink: