Notes: Virtual Maintainer Assembly (VMA) 2024.05

2024.05 VMA

Date: 2024-06-03 10:00 Moderator: Kevin Location: Jitsi Meet Venue: 2024.05 VMA - HackMD Forum entry: Previous VMA forum entry: Notes: Virtual Maintainer Assembly (VMA) 2024.02 Minutes: Emmanuel, chrysn, marian

Attendees (TBD)

  • Martine
  • Karl
  • Kevin
  • Emmanuel
  • benpicco
  • Marian
  • mikolai
  • Koen
  • chrysn
  • Teufelchen


  • Agenda Bashing - 1min (Kevin)
  • VMA 2024.08 Moderation - 2min (Kevin)
  • 2024.04 Release debrief from Release Manager - 5min (Teufelchen)
  • Outlook on upcoming 2024.07 Release - 5min (Mikolai)
  • 2024.10 Release Manager - 5min (Martine)
  • CI maintainership
  • Maintainer Ping
  • Summit Keynote Speaker?

Agenda Bashing

(no input)

VMA 2024.08 Moderation

Kevin: Volunteers?

Marian was volunteered.

2024.04 Release debrief from Release Manager

Teufelchen: Did release, but a bit late.

Teufelchen: Had 12 security advisories in late stage of release. Got Open PRs down, but not faster than new were opened, so briefly we had <300.

Maribu: We had goals in the content area; Windows setup. Can we find someone who can test Mac onboarding process?

Teufelchen: Linux was on me, but did not get to it. Also have a Mac, could do that too if needed

Marian: Baby steps made; that’s good, but we have more to do. Planned to get more of home automation community onboard, but have not done that yet.

Kevin: (…) Still open PRs in release area, eg. same broken node getting selected over and over again.

Outlook on upcoming 2024.07 Release

Mikolai: Martine already started forwarding release tests to me, getting flashing failures on IoT lab. see release-tests · RIOT-OS/RIOT@886c6a2 · GitHub

Kevin: Can help with that, randomization PR will help. Non-M3 devices can’t indicate that error.

Emmanuel: send issues to iot-lab mailing list? (Which boards are failing mostly? Kevin: apparently Io6-lab-M3 boards, so randomization might not help)

Mikolai: Report to Matrix channel failed … which channel should that be? Martine: Should be maintainer channel, but never really worked outside of testing. Teufelchen: Please just remove it. Martine: Can someone else try to remove this, maybe then someone else gets fail notifications, too. Mikolai: Will do.

Mikolai: Liked what Teufelchen did with the last release in terms of goals, aiming at <300 PR. Reluctant to put onboarding goal there, b/c can’t contribute much realistically.

2024.10 Release Manager

Martine: Script only has Mikolai, Teufelchen (and Ben from next tier) in current eligible set. Dice suggest Ben.

Ben agrees.

Kevin volunteers for the one after that

CI maintainership

Kevin: Kaspar is stepping down. Anybody interested stepping up?

Karl: Part of CI is run on Kaspar’s home computer, right? Kevin: CI is on tattooine; HIL runs at university computers. Who is still in FU? Emmanuel: Kaspar is still there, even if he steps down; as am I.

Teufelchen: I hate doing CI stuff, but if nobody else does it, I can do it. Let’s ask about it at the next VMA again.

Maintainer Ping

Martine: Looking at release script showed old names. Teufelchen will ping old maintaners.

Summit Keynote Speaker

  • chrysn: we don’t have anyone yet
  • Emmanuel: was mentioning this guy from ST software team but did not get much resonance
  • chrysn: process? Other names were proposed (Nicole, Emmanuel’s ST person…)
  • Emmanuel: pretty “flexible”, historically. Anyone can propose (keynote) speakers to summit@ and the proposals are vetted there (summit@ is Matthias, Thomas, Emmanuel, Oleg, IIRC)
  • chrysn: That vetting just got stuck. That “IIRC” is a big issue.
  • chrysn: proposal: go through the list from first to last, contact people with ~1week deadline`
  • chrysn: people nodding, let’s do that
  • Teufelchen: who is the ST person?
  • Emmanuel: Eric Finco. Part of their software division, talked to him in Milan at their bi-annul technical meeting. Very aware of RIOT, Zephyr and the ecosystem. Lots of background, knows how to speak. Invited us to talk at their summit.
  • chrysn: @Emmanuel please contact that person with a deadline (1 week)
  • Teufelchen: Proposed Raptor (Marco Ivaldi), security researcher of the January.
  • Martine: Good talk, but don’t think it’s good keynote material. chrysn: +1
  • Teufelchen: So I’ll ping him for CfP.


  • Nope