Networking Module does not appear in process list

Hello malo, the output of ps show at me the same as you have posted it here with the exception that there is no at86rfxx. The at86rf2xx driver is compiled - I see it there. And I have no hint - no error message or something like that why it isn't loaded. It seem for me, that at86rf2xx_init is not executed - that auto_init_at86rf2xx was not inivolved in the init-phase. I will check this tomorrow with the emulator... If so - which action/module invokes the execution of auto_init_at86rf2xx? As far I have seen this are gnrc-netif modules? Thanks a lot, Bernhard

Hello Bernhard,

AFAIK autoinit module is enabled by default, just check if you have defined -DMODULE_AT86RF2XX, -DMODULE_AUTO_INIT_GNRC_NETIF and -DMODULE_AUTO_INIT_GNRC_NETIF while compiling.

Im not using default toolchain based on Makefiles so Im not that familiar with it…

wbr malo