Missing FLASHFILE: Porting programmer to different board


I tried to flash my nrf52 with the black magic probe. I get the following message when I try to flash it with BOARD=nrf52dk PROGRAMMER=bmp make flash

FLASHFILE is not defined for this board

So, I searched for the variable FLASHFILE, which I found and it looks correct to me. Can somebody point me to some resources how you port a board/mcu to a different programmer?


You have to add and configure the bmp programmer for nrf52 boards. Only jlink and openocd are supported for the moment.

See boards/common/nrf52/Makefile.include for details: [1]


[1] https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/blob/master/boards/common/nrf52/Makefile.include#L15

Yes, I have seen this. I looked into the configuration of the bluepill. I was able to flash it via the bmp. The configuration of the bluepill also only has openocd and stlink. The black magic probe should get rid of both. So, there shouldn’t be any configuration at all. I am a bit confused.