What’s the state of mesh networking in RIOT?
It looks like the RPL implementation degrades after a while, faster so the more nodes are in the mesh. Has someone used this successfully?
I’m aware of @jeandudey’s out-of-tree AODVv2 implementation, although for the sensor use case (many nodes sending data to a single sink) the communication overhead of this protocol appears to be significant.
If I remember correctly, @jue89 presented an application that relied on simple broadcast flooding. While this carries the same communication overhead as AODV (and possible more) it appears to be a quite robust solution.
We are just aiming for star typologies. But we allow them to co-exist without any interference. The RIOT nodes are looking for a gateway using ICMP ping on a specific multicast address and select the one with the highest RSSI/LQI. If package loss is too high, the nodes start over searching for a gateway.