LoRa support

Hello cr0s,

Thank you for the information. I just noticed Emmanuel asked about the same thing a couple of days ago. Great to hear that! :slight_smile:

We just did some test on the PR and it’s working OK for us.

We are really interested in the development of the netdev2 adoption for the SX1276 driver. We will let you know how it goes.


Hello Jose,

Glad to hear that anything works! :slight_smile:

Looking forward for further cooperation on that! Keep in touch.

Best regards,


Hi all

Hi Teemu,

In our company we’re using custom MAC protocol for “Star” network topology on LoRa layer. The sensor’s data is all encoded and compressed as binary data, no JSON, no ASCII. It helps to reduce time-on-air on lower speeds and to increase network capacity and to reduce chance of collision on the channel.

All sensor’s reading routines and protocol are implemented in STM32L1 MCU which is connected to the SX1276 LoRa transceiver on the same PCB.

On top of that protocol we built a gate on Linux device such as Black Swift or RPi which is connected to our LoRa module via UART. Special software on the Linux translates binary data received from LoRa into JSON string and posts it into particular topic on MQTT broker which is installed on the same Linux device.

In other words, our scheme is following:

[ Many LoRa end-devices ] <- LoRa -> [ One LoRa gate ] <- UART -> [Linux-based gate] <- MQTT -> [Client applications listening MQTT topic]

Best regards,
