Issue with microcoap_server example

Dear Riot user’s,

I try to run micro coap example with nrf52dk board on Windows7. After painfully progress with compiling (windows - minGW - eclipse/cmd … download problems, unzip manually, remove 24,25,26 line in pkg/nordic_softdevice_ble/Makefile), I have in examples/microcoap_server/bin/nrf52dk softdevice.hex and microcoap_server.bin.

Now I try to flash with JLink (make BOARD=nrf52dk flash), but JLink fail to read file. I change _JLINK=JLinkExe to _JLINK=JLink. JLink can’t read file because in file microcoap_server/bin/nrf52dk/burn.seg is path in Unix style (xx/yy/zz/…t.bin)…JLink on windows ned xx\yy\zz…t.bin.

So I try to make with objcopy ihex file and use nrfgo studio from nordic to flash softdevice and then app. When I try flash APP on nrf52dk I get warning message that I will overwrite softdevice sector in flash?!? Then I check LINKFLAGS and saw that make file use linker scipt of nrf52 whitout softdevice (cpu/nrf52/ldscripts/nrf52xxaa.ld)! Then I check Make.include file boards/nrf52dk/Makefile.include and there on 15 line is condition if i softdevice is used, then there is on 19 line LINKER_SCRIPT ?= $(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ldscripts/$(CPU_MODEL)_sd.ld. But LINKER_SCRIPT is not used in build!?(or I missed something?) When code is compiled it use cpu/Makefile.include.cortexm_common where is line export LINKFLAGS += -T$(RIOTCPU)/$(CPU)/ldscripts/$(CPU_MODEL).ld -Wl,–fatal-warnings. Result is APP.bin/elf on wrong flash address, compiled with wrong .ld.

Is this BUG or I missed something?