Interest in Graphical Custom IDE / Development Environment / Networking Tool for RIOT (?)



Interesting and promising project. I have some experience in Qt development, is there a GitHub or something for the project ?



Hi Alex,

Thanks for answering.

The development is on GitHub and I will prepare it to share the link soon [a day or two].

I’ve got a lot of paper notes with wireframes of features and windows that I would like in it that are not in any other software at the moment to my knowledge.

As you can see I’ve taken one or more Qt examples and I’m busy transforming them into an MVP:


The advantage of using Qt for this type of project is that as we know it’s great to be able to display packets and data in realtime as they come in and web apps aren’t great for that as far as I’m aware.

Forgive all the Qt toolbar buttons. These and all the code to make everything work properly will hopefully happen sometime. On the toolbars, there will be upload / build / make / send / monitor type buttons related to project and packet/stream type communications.

Regards and thanks



Hi Alex,

The repository is at

You’d be very welcome to help out.

One of special features that I’m looking to include is incorporating the Qt “Rotations” example project in a a program visualisation.


The plan is to parse an input source file (a .c or .ino file) and work out program routes in the main() loop and then match each program route to a line around the central core.

Then by extending that line, you could show I/O from each device clearly and easily to the core and to the Network.

In the meantime, it’s just try to implement all the necessary basic functionality until there is something that will be useable as a rudimentary development system for the EduTech Space.




Hi all,

I’ve made a fair bit more progress on my Graphical Designer for RIOT and other IoT systems.


The project now has a name which is KayeIoT (pronounced like Coyote) and lives on github here:

The principle behind this tool is that unlike Fritzing that focuses on ‘wires’, this tool focuses on ‘cables’ and ‘pins’.

It’s a Tool for teaching and documenting IoT system.

For example, you just add a Cable between Components and connect the wires and pins as a detail.

So it’s like a Wiring-Harness tool that operates at the Cable level.

The next step will be add in the detail so that the tool can auto-generate Cable details from the Pin names.

Then to animate a system by adding in Events and the appropriate Timers which we all know make up the IoT systems that we work on.

I guess it’s still early days - but others are welcome to add feedback. It is expected to be able to be released this year.

I’m still keen to have close integration with RIOT and hope to have something to show sometime soon.




Hi Alex,

Yes, finally I have been able to break it out as a seperate project.

Here is the link :
