Hack'n'ACK - 2015.01

Dear RIOTers,

I know it's a little bit short-termed, but the Hamburg and the Berlin RIOT crowd is planning to start the new year with another cracking Hack'n'ACK TOMORROW! Starting at 4pm (CET) at HAW and FU Berlin.

Cheers, Oleg


In order to channel our efforts tonight, I setup a new label in the RIOT issue tracker and assigned it to some PRs that I consider as important to be merged first. See https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT/labels/Hack’n’ACK%20candidate and feel free to add or remove PRs here.

Cheers, Oleg

The H&A session in Berlin will take place in room 137 of the computer science building at Takustraße 9, FU Berlin.