I am trying to flash the rust-hello-world example onto the esp32-wroom-32 board. However, I kept getting this message
There are unsatisfied feature requirements: rust_target
/media/duich1605/extras/projects/iot/Tutorials/RIOT/examples/rust-hello-world/../../Makefile.include:1027: *** You can let the build continue on expected errors by setting CONTINUE_ON_EXPECTED_ERRORS=1 to the command line. Stop.
The command is:
make BOARD=esp32-wroom-32 PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0 all flash term
I can run the example on native, but not on the board. Does anyone know why?
We do, however, our Rust esp32 example is based on our different toolchain setup than RIOT/examples/rust-hello-world, so I guess this rust_target issue is not necessarily related, FYI
Rust on RIOT is not yet supported on ESP32, primarily because a) I don’t have any boards to test it, and b) because there is still no upstream support for the Xtensa in rustc. (Where a) is influenced by the sad circumstance that one needs nonfree blobs to even get an ESP32 to run.)
Well, on this, I will give up on flashing rust on esp32 for now, maybe I will go back for the board in the future, in the meantime, I will find a compatible board. Thank you for your response.