Does RIOT OS work with TTGO T-Beam V1.1?

Hey there. I’m new to RIOT OS and excited to make things using it. I’ve been reading the TTGO T-Beam wiki pages and it looks like there is a module esp32_ttgo_t_beam_v1_0 but I’m not seeing a module esp32_ttgo_t_beam_v1_1, which is the board I’m working with.

Is it safe to use esp32_ttgo_t_beam_v1_0 with a T-Beam version 1.1? I wouldn’t want to brick my hardware so I’m proceeding with caution and asking first.

I’m assuming that due to the nature of open source software, could it be that there is not yet RIOT support for TTGO T-Beam v1.1? Is this something that can be updated? If so, how do I go about doing that?

Thanks ~

Don’t worry about bricking your device - the serial bootloader of the esp32 should always allow you to flash a new firmware. Do you know what the hardware differences between version 1.0 and version 1.1 are?

A good start would be to compare the schematics (v1.0, v1.1) to see what changed. Then the pin definitions can be adapted accordingly.

At least the pinout seems to be the same and also the AXP192 is used as power supply controller that is programmed in RIOT in board initialization. I would just give a try to see whether it works.