Compiling on Windows 7


I am trying to compile Riot on Windows 7 and I am using the gcc-arm-embedded toolchain with build tools downloaded (make and rm) from Sourcery CodeBench with Eclipse as the IDE. I am having problems compiling the code.

I am trying to compile the HelloWorld example by using the Makefile in the folder $(RIOTBASE)/examples/hello-world. This makefile includes $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include and there is no problem with this step. However, I am getting an error message with further makefile includes from within this file.

For example one of the error messages I get is

C:/Users/ram.somaraju/Desktop/RIOT-master/examples/hello-world/…/…/Makefile.include:47: C:/Users/ram.somaraju/Desktop/RIOT-master/examples/hello-world/C:/Users/ram.somaraju/Desktop/RIOT-master/Makefile.modules: Invalid argument

Clearly, this is not a well defined path, but I have not been able to fix it. Is there an easy solution to this problem? I am a Makefile novice and am not sure how to proceed.

Thank you very much for any help/advice you can provide.

Kind Regards,


Hi Abhinav!

Sorry for the late reply.

I am trying to compile the HelloWorld example by using the Makefile in the folder $(RIOTBASE)/examples/hello-world. This makefile includes $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include and there is no problem with this step. However, I am getting an error message with further makefile includes from within this file.

For now I have no clue what could cause this error message, but I'll give it a try with my Windows machine at home, when I find some time and see if can shed some light on this.

One thing that sometimes causes weird Make errors on Linux are trailing spaces in the Makefiles, e.g. after the definition of the PROJECT^h^h^h^h^h^h^hAPPLICATION name.

Cheers, Oleg

Hello Oleg, No problem about the late reply. This is no longer an issue for me. I decided not to use the make build system and I am now using the internal builder from Eclipse to build the project. This seems to be a better solution for us in the long run.

Thank you for the offer to help in any case!

Regards, Abhinav


No problem about the late reply. This is no longer an issue for me. I decided not to use the make build system and I am now using the internal builder from Eclipse to build the project. This seems to be a better solution for us in the long run.

Interesting, I didn't know that Eclipse provides an internal builder that works without any build system like Make. Would be interesting to know how far one can go with this solution. Maybe this could be a feasible way for other non-*nix users, too. Hence, it would be really great if you could be us in the loop about your experience.

Cheers, Oleg


Hence, it would be really great if you could be us in the loop about

your experience. My focus is on the STM discovery boards but I think one can use the same procedure for any board. Here are the steps I used to build the project for the STM board: 1) Start a new C project in Eclipse (I used the STM discovery Led Blink sample project). 2) Select Internal Eclipse Builder (Project->Properties->C/C++ Builder->Builder Settings) 3) Create New Folder within project (File->New Folder) 4) Import Required Folders from RIOT (File->Import->File System) into newly created directories. Repeat this step for all required directories. I needed to import the following : RIOT/core, RIOT/cpu/stm32f407vg, RIOT/cpu/cortex_common, RIOT/board/stmf4discovery. 5) Add header include paths for each imported folder (Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols->includes). 6) I had my own debugger installed (which was using a macro with name DEBUG) and I had to change #define DEBUG to #define DEBUGRIOT for all occurrences in the folder RIOT/core 7) Add cpu name in preprocessor #defines (e.g. STMF429_439xx)

Note: You can also import multiple folders that you are not using and then exclude folders from build later on (right click on folder and select resource configuration). This allows you to (easily) change boards/cpu if you are not using too many!

Cheers, Abhinav