Compatibility matrix


One idea for improving understanding of the meaning of "supported platform": We could provide a matrix showing which test application runs on which platform. Opinions?

Cheers, Ludwig

Good idea! Maybe it could be linked to Murdock to have it automatically generate the matrix based on what current master can compile? /Joakim

Hi, I didn’t we start something like that years ago? What happened to that?

Cheers, Martine

Hi, I think I meant this table [1]. Did not check if it is up to date atm… I like the proposal by Joakim to generate it by Murdock, but it might not solve problems like “platform A is supported, but not feature B” (because we maybe do not support feature B at all). I also like to reiterate my opinion to not put essential doc into the wiki! I still have the feeling that the wiki is the place were doc goes to die (if not taken to doxygen or README by a friendly soul).

Cheers, Martine



What I had in mind is what Joachim spelt out.

Cheers, Ludwig