API change: UART with acquire/release semantics

In drivers/periph_uart: document acquire/release semantic by maribu · Pull Request #20624 · RIOT-OS/RIOT · GitHub I proposed an API change to the UART driver:

Before calling uart_init() a second time on the same interface, it should be released by calling uart_poweroff(). This would allow sharing of the underlying hardware to provide other serial interfaces, in case the MCU has peripherals that can provide multiple different serial interfaces (but only ever one at a time). We do successfully make use of this approach on nRF5x already to provide multiple SPI and I2C buses using the same hardware.

It is unlikely to affect any real world application, as the don’t typically reconfigure the UART interface anyway.

If you disagree, chime in into drivers/periph_uart: document acquire/release semantic by maribu · Pull Request #20624 · RIOT-OS/RIOT · GitHub