RIOT networking


I would like to test RIOT networking on a real plaform (not 'native'). What board is the easier choice?



A 6LowPan démonstration ?

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i.e. sending GPIO status over 6lowpan connection to a Linux host.

Hi Pierre!

Sorry for the late reply.

> >>> I would like to test RIOT networking on a real plaform (not > >>> 'native'). What board is the easier choice?

Actually, in the past it turned out to be difficult finding widely available and not too expensive Cortex driven platforms with a radio chip. Fortunately, it seems that the situation is slowly improving with some new boards popping up on the market to fill this gap.

Currently we're mostly focusing on support for the IoT-Lab M3 nodes [1][2] which are used in the FIT IoT-LAB [3]. Although these nodes are only available as part of the testbed, the IoT-Lab provides open remote access. Otherwise, you might consider using the HikoB Fox [4] which is very similar to the IoT-Lab hardware. If you work for some company, you can purchase these boards from HikoB.

We have also preliminary support for the Atmel SAM R21 [5] which also features the same radio transceiver. A more functional support for this platform may become available in December.

Cheers, Oleg

[1] [2] Create new page · RIOT-OS/RIOT Wiki · GitHub [3] [4] [5]


Thx for your reply. Actually I don't understand the status of "IoT-Lab M3" (part of testbed). Who's the board designer/maker?

Hikob Fox looks like an industrial product inside a box, should be expensive (but I didn'y the price too, will call them).


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Hi Pierre,


Démo "should" be november 6 but can I use Bluetooth adapter instead (on STM32 board) ?

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Hi Pierre, everything is possible :wink: But there might be some porting effort involved. If you are considering Bluetooth, you could also consider the (unfinished, but well underway) port to nrf51822 Best, Emmanuel

Thx for the link.

First I will try a basic BT link with HC-05 device. It should not be that difficult to use in RIOT (and RTEMS) through uart.

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Hi Pierre,

great! Keep us updated about your progress on this, and don’t hesitate to subscribe/post to the devel mailing list where you can get additional support.

By the way, what is the context of your demo? Is it by any chance the IoT-LAB opening ? Some of us will be present there, FYI.



Same day, but only 1/2 day organized by Open Wide (after Toulouse and Paris) :slight_smile: Sorry for the scheduling conflict, we didn't know about the IOT workshop until last monday...


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Hi Pierre,

sorry I pick up so late on this discussion. I actually have been using some of the HC-05 modules in the past and it is indeed very trivial to use them with RIOT. For the ease of it, you could consider any platform that has implemented the low-level uart driver, e.g. the STM Fx discovery boards or the arduino-due. The porting efforts are zero, you just have to write a very slim and easy 'driver' for the HC-05 module, should be less then 20 lines of code...

Using this module you won't however be able to use our 6LoWPAN stack (at least not with more then 2 nodes and even then not without modifications)...

Let me know if I can further assist!

Cheers, Hauke

Hi Hauke,

Thx for the info.

Of course it's a simple test without 6LowPAN but fair enough for me right now !


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Hi Hauke,

Thx for the info.

Of course it's a simple test without 6LowPAN but fair enough for me right now !


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