My experience observing and trying to help on the forum is that many new people, being inexperienced, often come with entirely unrealistic notions about how to do things, and the kind of background required. Let me make an analogy:
A new jumper arrives at the Olympic Ski Jumping slope. They plan to do a triple-axel 720 degree flip. They start discussing the required momentum changes that they will need in order to accomplish that with the first person they see, who happens to be a snow maintenance person. “Wow, that’s gonna be something to see. What colour skis are you gonna wear? It would be cool if they were flurorescent!”
New jumper: “Wait, this sport is done on skis”?
So a key part of any tutorial would be to identify what skills are required for each step, and then to point the new developer to the non-RIOT-OS specific training materials that provide the background.