ReSupport for Microchip MRF24J40 Radio Module

Hallo Bernhard,

I'm trying to use STM32F4 Discovery with MRF24J40 transceiver, but I didn't find the driver for this transceiver. It's a relief to see in this mailing list that you and Tobias are working on this driver and I hope the code will be merged soon. By the way, can I see the code you are working on? Maybe if it is possible I can fork the code through Github.

Thank you

Hi Adika,

it is as usual: took longer than expected. A WIP pull request should be opened soon. I'll force @TobiasFredersdorf :wink: to open it. If you have some experience with that device you can speed up development by (reviewing and) testing then.

Best Peter

Hi Adika,

here is the currently pretty much WIP pull request for the MRF24J40 transceiver:

Any help in reviewing and testing is welcome ;-)! It will take me some days to start the review.

Best Peter


Hi Adika,

here is the currently pretty much WIP pull request for the MRF24J40 transceiver:

Driver for MRF24J40 by TobiasFredersdorf · Pull Request #5099 · RIOT-OS/RIOT · GitHub

Any help in reviewing and testing is welcome ;-)! It will take me some days to start the review.

No review comment or testing but some remark from a pitfall we recently fixed in the linux driver for the MRF24J40

With link layer security enabled one can run into trouble if not handling the SECIF interrupt. The situation we had was that it looks like the device stopped receiving frames after a frame with llsec enabled was received.

Might be useful for you to know. :slight_smile:

regards Stefan Schmidt

Hi Stefan,

thanks for the report! Could save hours of debugging :-). We'll keep that hint in mind.

Best Peter