NFC support on RIOT

I’m electronic engineer student and I’m beginning a thesis on RIOT. The idea is to use NFC to transmit new crypt keys for the 802.15.4 communication between gateway and sensor,both with riot-os. The first problem is how to make NFC works on RIOT? Searching on internet I didn’t find any documentation,do you know which module or library should I use? Alternatively, can I use C/C++ NFC library for Arduino Due in RIOT ?

Thanks, Francesco

Hi Francesco,

so far we have no NFC support in RIOT. But in case you want to add it to RIOT, you need a board which can run RIOT, take a look at and has a SPI working.

I think the most RFID/NFC devices will use SPI to communicate with the board.

On the RFID/NFC: do you have any information about the hardware you want to use?

I'm owning a NXP RC522 (labeled as RFID) (with SPI). You can also buy a NXP-PN532 (labeled as NFC).

To make it work in RIOT you need to port the arduino driver or write one based on the documentation/existing code.

Happy hacking and welcome to RIOT. We always like to integrate new functionality in the main repository. To contribute have a look at:

Best Christian