Need advice for the driver development of a Ublox GSM/GPRS modem

Hey Kees,

On Tue, Sep 27, 2022 at 06:03:21PM +0000, Kees Bakker via RIOT wrote:

Can anyone give me a piece of advise how to continue? Should I be looking at netdev? If so, how do I interface to it? Are there similar devices/drivers?

about two years ago I was facing a similar issue for the SODAQ SARA board [1]. In the end, I used the AT driver [2] and put all the protocol logic into the application. This was certainly the dirtiest possible solution, but I was under quite some time pressure back then and in the end it was working somehow.

I remember that @leandrolanzieri was working on cleaner solution [3] but don’t know if this effort was continued somehow. Anyway, I think providing a netapi capable AT modem driver would be my preferred solution that could be useful for many people.

Since most modems provide TCP/IP implementations up to the application layer, I’m not sure whether a netdev driver would be the right place here. Maybe @miri64 has an opinion on this topic as well.

Cheers Oleg

[1] Overview - SODAQ Support pages [2] AT (Hayes) command set library [3]

– panic(“Attempted to kill the idle task!”); linux-2.2.16/kernel/exit.c