Monthly Hack'n'ACK events

Well, it turns out almost everyone at HAW Hamburg is busy that day… So we will probably be skipping this round, however, we will have space for the following ones.

Super later reminder of the Hack’n’ACK, at HAW we finally have a room!

On 2023-08-29T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

  • HAW Hamburg: HAW Hamburg, BT7, R4.60
  • Remote: WebEx

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event.

If you want me to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let me know!

On 2023-09-26T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event.

If you want me to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let me know!

The date for the October Hack’n’ACK in the regular schedule would be the 31st. Since that is a holiday in both Hamburg and Dresden and we are just starting Hack’n’ACKs in Dresden, we decided between HAW and TUD to move the Hack’n’ACK forward a week for that month to the 24th.

Anyone else having anything against that?

Due to some illnesses Hack’n’ACK at HAW will be remote today… Sorry for the inconvenience.

On 2023-10-24T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event.

If you want me to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let me know!

On 2023-11-28T16:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event.

If you want me to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let me know!

Due to a colliding event, we’ll be in a little bit later here at TUD.

On 2030-01-30T16:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK event.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

The Hack’n’ACK is a get-together of the RIOT community every last Tuesday of the months, to

  • code on RIOT
  • review pull requests
  • learn new things about RIOT.

Interested? Then come by! Whether newcomer or experts, all are welcome.

Could it be that Room 3080 inside the TU Dresden APB is already occupied by another event?

We will be done soon and start the Hack’n’ACK in APB 3080 as planned :slight_smile:

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On 2024-02-27T16:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

On 2024-03-26T16:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

On 2024-04-30T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

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On 2024-05-28T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

A number of HAW people (myself) will not be available for this months Hack’n’ACK, @Teufelchen1 will be available but may just be remote from his desk if anyone shows up.

On 2024-06-25T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!

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Quick update, it looks like the Hack’n’ACK in HAW Hamburg will be in R405 instead due to scheduling conflict.

On 2024-07-30T15:00:00Z we will have our monthly Hack’n’ACK party.

Feel free to post further hub locations in response if you want to organize your own local event. If you want us to add your location to the monthly initial invitation, please let us know!