How to compile RIOT for third-party boards?

I tried to compile it for stm32f4discovery. Had to make changes in a couple of Makefiles to make it work. Is there a Wiki page or README that explains how to compile RIOT for a third-party board?

Thanks, Mark

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Hi Mark, The documentation for several boards is available in the Github-Wiki [1]. For the discovery board the doc can be found here: [2] But basicly you have to set the environment variables RIOTBOARD and RIOTCPU to your lo al thirdparty_board and thirdparty_cpu repository, respectively, before calling make. So what you want is

RIOTBOARD= RIOTCPU= BOARD=stm32f4discovery make

Have fun, Martine

[1] [2]

Hello Martine,

Thanks for the links. I've posted here the errors that I encountered and how I fixed it. I know its lengthy. Sorry I didn't have an option. :-/

Here is my folder structure. ~/RIOT/   - RIOT-OS   - thirdparty_cpu   - thirdparty_boards

Commit information: mark@beast:~/devel/RIOT$ for i in `ls`;do cd $i;echo $i;git describe;cd ..;done RIOT-OS 2014.01-745-g8526184 thirdparty_boards 2013.08-49-g894b006 thirdparty_cpu 2013.08-68-g24f7ca3

Hi Mark,

Hello Martine,

Any updates on this?


Hi Mark, Kinda, turns out the stm32f4discovery port is not very well maintained. But there is an “official” (as in “not in a thirdparty repository”) port in the making, that is not needing any extra (license-incompatible) library. Look for a pull request by @haukepetersen in the next few days in our main repository.

Kind regards, Martine

Hi again, it is actually already there:

Happy testing, Martine

Hello Martine,

Hi Mark, Kinda, turns out the stm32f4discovery port is not very well maintained. But there is an "official" (as in "not in a thirdparty repository") port in the making, that is not needing any extra (license-incompatible) library. Look for a pull request by @haukepetersen in the next few days in our main repository.

Thanks. I'll pull that 1191 req and do a test.

BTW, I'd like to know what sort of license incompatibility issues demanded a separate thirdparty_xxx repos. (Any mailing list discussions would be fine)

Also, Is the CMSIS library license compatible?
