GSoC 2015: N1: BLE Stack

Hi All

I am currently doing my second year of my masters in Embedded System at KTH Royal Institute of technology.

I am very interested in Working for this Network project Bluetooth Low Energy development with RIOT OS for this GSoC 2015.

I have 4 years of experience as Embedded system developer and worked in Embedded Linux and device drivers.

I also have some good fundamental understanding of Bluetooth Low energy stack and Working knowledge of Linux Network Device driver…

I have a strong passion to work and contribute for Operating system projects.

I understand that i need to implement link layer and controller interface .

Best regards Gokul

Hi Gokul,

welcome to RIOT!

As of now, there is no part of the BLE stack implemented in RIOT, so you are right that both link layer and controller IF have to be implemented. To get started I would highly recommend to draft a first architecture of the stack and share this with the communitiy.

Let us know where we can help you in particular!

Cheers, Hauke