At86rf231 for samr21


I am facing a problem with the at86rf231 implementation for samr21-xpro. Is there somebody who could explain me how to add a module in RIOT in order to use it?

I'm trying to add USEMODULE at86rf231 in default exemple Makefile but I can't make it work. My main.c can't access to transceiver.h so if somebody has any idea how to solve this problem I would be grateful !

Cheers, Maxence

Hi Maxence,

I am facing a problem with the at86rf231 implementation for samr21-xpro. Is there somebody who could explain me how to add a module in RIOT in order to use it?

You are already on the right path. With USEMODULE you can specify which modules to include into your build.

I'm trying to add USEMODULE at86rf231 in default exemple Makefile but I can't make it work. My main.c can't access to transceiver.h so if somebody has any idea how to solve this problem I would be grateful !

The dependency works the other way around. When you specify

USEMODULE += transceiver

in you Makefile, the build system knows which radio driver to include (at86rf231 for the samr21-xpro). You can then send messages to the transceiver to control the radio interface. You should be able to play with example/default out of the box if including Troels’ PR [1]. The default example then provides shell commands to set the node’s address, channel, PAN and also the txtsnd command you can use to send data between two nodes. To get a feeling how to interact with the transceiver module in your own code you can also take a look at sys/shell/commands/sc_transceiver.c.

Hope this somehow provides you the information to get started. Else don’t hesitate to ask on this list.

Best, Thomas

[1] samr21: implemention of transceiver via spi by Troels51 · Pull Request #1997 · RIOT-OS/RIOT · GitHub

Hi Thomas,

Thank you for your help ! I hope your advices will be enough to solve my problem.

Cheers, Maxence

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HI Thomas,

I solved my problem with your advices but I'm wondering why when I add USEMODULE += transceiver in default Makefile example it doesn't add transceiver Module and when I add it to the base Makefile.dep it does ?

Cheers, Maxence

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